7 Essential Tips for Planning Your African Safari Adventure

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If you’re looking to make a memory you’ll never forget, one of the best ways of going about it is to explore a hidden, special place where you can create your adventure. Africa is a place where you can do this, thanks to thousands of acres of pristine, beautiful land untouched by human practices, wildlife, and variable geography. However, before you begin your journey, there are a few things you should know.

Create your budget.

Creating a budget is the first step in making any good trip happen. While trips don’t need to be meticulously planned, you do need to make sure you have enough money to experience everything properly, and the best way to go about that is by making a budget. This budget should factor in the price for a round trip to Africa and back, as well as your stay and lodging. Luckily, staying in Africa is cheap thanks to impressive rates in high-class hotels and even better rates for food.

Choose the right destination.

Your next step will be to choose the right destination. Africa is a massive continent, with dozens of countries that each boast their reasons to visit. However, you likely don’t have the time or money to go on a years-long journey through the whole continent, so you’ll need to keep your trip focused on one country. It depends on your preferences, as a country like South Africa or Namibia is host to a lot of wildlife and natural habitats, with a lot of variation, while nations like Kenya are more suited to people looking to immerse themselves in scenic beauty.

Consider going with a guide or service.

Going on a self-guided tour anywhere can be fun or a disaster, and the risk is even greater when you’re planning on going to Africa. It’ll likely be vastly different from anywhere you’ve ever been before, and there are real dangers, like eating the wrong kind of plant or interacting with the wrong kind of animal. To make sure you have the most fun possible, you could consider going with a guide or even a high-class service that will allow you to experience a luxurious African safari in safety.

Select the type of safari you want.

Many kinds of safaris are available in Africa, depending on the habitat you’re in, as well as the dominant animals and weather conditions. Safaris can last multiple days or just a few hours, depending on your preferences, too. However, it’s always better to keep safety in mind and not push the limit when it comes to this activity. If you’re an experienced traveler and camper, you could go with budget camping on a self-guided safari journey, or if you prefer comfort, you can opt to stay in luxury lodges and be escorted by experts

Prepare for health and safety.

Going on an adventurous journey always comes with its risks, and mitigating or preventing these risks will be ideal. You’ll need to prioritize your health and safety before you’ve even left your country, making sure to get the necessary traveler’s insurance, as well as medications like antimalarials. While you’re in the jungle during your safari, you should have access to food and water, so bring reserves of these, as well as extra medication like Epi-pens in case anyone with you has allergies.

Participate in the local culture.

Your safari adventure won’t be spent completely in the jungle. You’ll also have the opportunity to share in the local culture and experience life as the locals live it, which can provide some extra perspective on life. There are tons of festivals and events in every popular tourist destination, allowing visitors to experience traditional and modern music and find out how gracious the African people are as hosts. You can even enjoy some of the delicacies of each region, which is a special treat that most people never manage to forget.

Research information about your location and the animals beforehand.

If you’re going on a jungle safari, chances are that you appreciate nature and animals. If this is the case, you should do your research about the destination you’re traveling to, as well as the animals you’ll find. This will allow you to observe your subjects in a better and safer way and even interact with them if you know how to properly. This information is even more vital if you’re doing a self-guided tour, so make sure you know everything there is to know about where you’re going.


While a spontaneous, adventurous trip can be a lot of fun, certain things are essential to know before you begin traveling, especially if you’re going to Africa. While there’s room for adventure and exploration, this freedom may become a burden if you have no idea about what you’re doing or how to make a plan. However, if you use the information in this article, you’ll be able to create the best trip to Africa you could have. 

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